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The United States wants to demonstrate its ability to destroy. But that we already knew.

France and Germany should have joined Russia in the fight against Nazism. These countries have abandoned their Values ​​to rely on the United States. This is how the United States thanks us.

Are they able to demonstrate their ability:

- to keep the promises of James Baker, by withdrawing the NATO bases from the countries of the Warsaw Exact,

- to assume their State lies, their war crimes committed in Iraq,

- to respect the code of ethics of the Media, by releasing Julian ASSANGE, by submitting to the investigations that International Justice will conduct on the revelations of Wikileaks,

- to recognize their immoral responsibility in their media, financial and military support for this Ukronazie abjection,

- to recognize their participation in the sabotage of Nord-Sream, in the crimes of ecocide caused by the exploitation of shale gas,

- to abandon their imperialist intentions and their globalist oligarchic policy?

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